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Atmospheric Trace MOlecule Sensing Lab.

Regional scale air quality studies

Regional Scale Air Quality Studies


Regional air quality studies

Field studies for local and regional air quality using LED-CEAS instruments simultaneously with other groups’ instruments will be performed. Simple box modeling work with explicit chemical mechanisms is a good tool to test the degree of our understanding on atmospheric chemical processes.

Field missions are performed from ground, tall tower and even on mobile platforms.

Figures on right are examples of mobile, ground and tall- tower based field campaigns recently conducted in the US and prof. Kyung-Eun Min had been participated these missions during her researh work for PhD and posdoctoral periods.


An example of regional air quality studies

The figures below show ground based data acquired during SOAS 2013 mission with box modeling calculations to interpret the regional scale oxidation mechanisms around southeastern US. From this analysis CHOCHO need additional loss mechanisms than phtolysis and OH oxidation which agrees with the founding from Mexico City data analsis done by Vokamer et al., 2007.